Métiers et professions en santé et services sociaux


The health and social services sector allows you to choose a profession according to your interests: over a hundred career possibilities are available to you! This website offers 45 of the most popular career choices and many more in the health and social services network, where there are plenty of job opportunities.

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    • Health and Social Services Assistant

      Health and Social Services Assistant

      Help at home. Health and social services assistants go to the homes of people experiencing a temporary or permanent loss of autonomy in order to give them a healthy helping hand. 


      salaire Min. 25,63 $ / h
      Max. 25,63 $ / h

    • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

      Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

      Valuable and versatile. Not only are they the devoted associates of nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals, LPNs are also very close to patients.


      salaire Min. 24,21 $ / h
      Max. 32,32 $ / h

    • Medical Secretary

      Medical Secretary

      Efficiency personified. Client service and impeccable sense of organization are of the rigour when managing files and calls, transcribing mental reports and booking appointments.


      salaire Min. 22,36 $ / h
      Max. 25,00 $ / h

    • Orderly


      Ever attentive to every need. In addition to providing basic care, orderlies are a comforting presence and offer patients physical assistance.


      salaire Min. 25,63 $ / h
      Max. 25,63 $ / h

    • Pharmacy Technical Assistant

      Pharmacy Technical Assistant

      Calculations and dispensing medication. Sterile injectable preparations, parenteral nutrition and antineoplastic agents: the preparation of medicines is no mystery to a pharmacy technical assistant. 


      salaire Min. 21,89 $ / h
      Max. 23,35 $ / h

    • Reprocessing Technician

      Reprocessing Technician

      Maintained equipment and devices – Medical device reprocessing technicians are responsible for the general maintenance and proper functioning of equipment and devices.


      salaire Min. 22,36 $ / h
      Max. 25,00 $ / h

    • Biomedical Engineering Technician

      Biomedical Engineering Technician

      The equipment specialist. Biomedical engineering technicians install medical equipment and ensure that they are properly configured and safely functional.


      salaire Min. 24,36 $ / h
      Max. 33,95 $ / h

    • Cytologist


      A cellular biology ace. As keen observers, cytologist identify and classify cellular components in order to prevent disease, improve therapeutic practices and contribute to research.


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Dietitian


      Placing health on the menu. Dietitians have ample work opportunities. Their work consists in improving food quality and people’s health.


      salaire Min. 24,21 $ / h
      Max. 32,32 $ / h

    • Medical Electrophysiology Technologist

      Medical Electrophysiology Technologist

      Handle with care. Medical electrophysiology technicians perform medical examinations using precision electronic devices to measure and record heart and brain activity.


      salaire Min. 24,36 $ / h
      Max. 33,95 $ / h

    • Medical Records Technician

      Medical Records Technician

      The information keeper. Medical records technicians process health information and are responsible for everything related to the disclosure and protection of such information.


      salaire Min. 24,36 $ / h
      Max. 33,95 $ / h

    • Medical Technologist

      Medical Technologist

      Samples under the microscope. Medical technologists perform laboratory analysis of body fluids to help doctors diagnose diseases.


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Nurse


      A key position in the healthcare system. Essential and versatile professionals offering invaluable support, nurses play a key role with patients and other professionals in the healthcare system.


      salaire Min. 25,81 $ / h
      Max. 41,39 $ / h

    • Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician

      Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician

      A giant step for rehabilitation. Manufacture, adjust, repair and modify orthotics and prosthetics to help people better walk, move, hear and see.


      salaire Min. 24,36 $ / h
      Max. 33,95 $ / h

    • Paramedic


      Behind the siren. The role of ambulance attendants goes beyond transporting the sick and injured: They must also respond swiftly, assess the patient’s condition and then stabilize him or her.


      salaire Min. 26,34 $ / h
      Max. 39,40 $ / h

    • Pharmacy Technician

      Pharmacy Technician

      The pharmacy technician performs complex technical tasks under the supervision of an authorized professional, is able to work independently or in collaboration with others, and possess specific analytical skills.


      salaire Min. 24,36 $ / h
      Max. 33,95 $ / h

    • Physiotherapy technologist

      Physiotherapy technologist

      Supporting self-reliance. Physiotherapy technologists help with the functional rehabilitation of patients through various physiotherapy techniques. 


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Radiation Oncology Technologist

      Radiation Oncology Technologist

      The radiation specialist. Working closely with radiation oncologists, radiation oncology technologists provide radiation treatment to cancer patients.


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Recreational Activities Technician

      Recreational Activities Technician

      Setting the agenda. Creative individuals who bring people together, recreational activities technicians organize and promote social, cultural and sports activities. 


      salaire Min. 23,82 $ / h
      Max. 30,82 $ / h

    • Respiratory Therapist

      Respiratory Therapist

      Breathing new life into people. Respiratory therapists are responsible for cardiorespiratory care and work in emergency situations and in the treatment of respiratory diseases.


      salaire Min. 25,39 $ / h
      Max. 39,40 $ / h

    • Social Service Worker

      Social Service Worker

      Adapting oneself to be of greater assistance. Through their reassuring presence and targeted activities, social service workers help the vulnerable or those struggling with various social problems.


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Special Education Instructor

      Special Education Instructor

      Foster confidence. Special education instructors work with people experiencing adjustment difficulties to enable their social integration or facilitate their rehabilitation.


      salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
      Max. 35,67 $ / h

    • Audiologist


      A medical ear. An audiologist evaluates the hearing abilities of the hearing impaired and looks for the causes and contributing factors to their disability.


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Biomedical Engineer

      Biomedical Engineer

      Making sure everything works. Biomedical engineers ensure that their facility’s medical equipment remain functional, reliable and effective.


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Clinical Biochemist

      Clinical Biochemist

      Lab-based medical professional. Through the analysis of body fluids, clinical biochemists determine a diagnosis and follow the evolution of a disease, as well as the effectiveness of treatments.


      salaire Min. 50,24 $ / h
      Max. 65,15 $ / h

    • Clinical Perfusionist

      Clinical Perfusionist

      Working the beat - Clinical perfusionists use a heart-lung bypass machine during cardiac surgery or other surgeries to manage a patient’s circulatory and respiratory functions.


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Community Organizer

      Community Organizer

      Serving the public. Community organizers implement community-based programs to respond to the needs of the community and promote its development.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Criminologist


      The criminologist assesses the risk of recidivism and fraudulent behaviour and proposes and implements strategies to help adopt appropriate behaviour.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Dietitian-nutritionist


      The essentials of a healthy diet. Depending on the path they choose, dietitians/nutritionists can assess the nutritional status of people, develop educational programs and contribute to education.


      salaire Min. 27,62 $ / h
      Max. 48,94 $ / h

    • Ethics Advisor

      Ethics Advisor

      The Ethics Advisor contributes to the resolution of ethical dilemmas in healthcare organizations.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • General Practitioner

      General Practitioner

      An eye on every aspect of the job. General practitioners diagnose and treat illnesses, physiological disorders and injuries. 


      salaire Min. 99,48 $ / h
      Max. 99,48 $ / h

    • Hospital Pharmacist

      Hospital Pharmacist

      A great deal of know-how. Essential partners for health professionals, pharmacists provide pharmaceutical care based on the needs of patients.


      salaire Min. 43,93 $ / h
      Max. 55,47 $ / h

    • Human Relations Officer

      Human Relations Officer

      The human relations officer provides support to individuals, couples, families, and groups, helping to prevent or deal with issues affecting personal, family, or social life.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Kinesiologist


      Physical activity specialists. Kinesiologists use movement for prevention, treatment and performance purposes.


      salaire Min. 26,22 $ / h
      Max. 43,49 $ / h

    • Medical Physicist

      Medical Physicist

      From theory to practice. Medical physicists apply physics to various healthcare specialties, including radiation oncology, diagnostic and intervention radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation protection. 


      salaire Min. 42,21 $ / h
      Max. 58,45 $ / h

    • Medical Specialist

      Medical Specialist

      Numerous specialties, a single objective. Depending on their specialization, medical specialists prevent and cure illnesses. They work in one of 54 specialties recognized in specialized medicine.


      salaire Min. 130,00 $ / h
      Max. 130,00 $ / h

    • Midwife


      Support every step of the way. Focused on the needs of pregnant women, midwives provide complete care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.


      salaire Min. 31,62 $ / h
      Max. 53,66 $ / h

    • Nurse Clinician

      Nurse Clinician

      A global perspective of needs. Nurse clinicians are responsible for a range of nursing care services given according to the biopsychosocial needs of patients or groups of people entrusted to them.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Occupational Therapist

      Occupational Therapist

      Encouraging autonomy. Occupational therapists help people with a physical, psychological or mental disability adapt to daily life and rediscover the path to autonomy.


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Orthoptist


      Eye rehabilitation - Using special tests, orthoptists help diagnose vision disorders and apply non-surgical methods and treatment plans.


      salaire Min. 25,22 $ / h
      Max. 37,49 $ / h

    • Physiotherapist


      Executing the game plan to get back on one’s feet. From assessing problems to planning rehabilitation and applying therapy, no physical incapacity is beyond the scope of a physiotherapist’s work. 


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Psychoeducator


      A guide through turmoil. Psychoeducators empower people experiencing psychosocial adjustment difficulty in order to resolve conflicts and encourage their independence.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Psychologist


      Always ready to listen. With various techniques and intervention tools, psychologists help people solve personal problems and adapt to different changes.


      salaire Min. 28,33 $ / h
      Max. 52,88 $ / h

    • Sex Therapist

      Sex Therapist

      Identify, understand and interpret. Sexologists are trained in all areas of sexuality, eroticism, love and relationships. 


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Social Worker

      Social Worker

      Finding solutions. Social workers help people resolve or prevent personal, family and social problems such as violence, suicide and delinquency.


      salaire Min. 27,08 $ / h
      Max. 47,98 $ / h

    • Specialized Nurse Practitioner

      Specialized Nurse Practitioner

      A complex-case specialist. Specialized nurse practitioners work with doctors to discover complex health problems and establish care and treatment priorities.


      salaire Min. 30,39 $ / h
      Max. 63,80 $ / h

    • Speech Therapist

      Speech Therapist

      From words to action. Speech therapists assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent speech, voice, language and communication disorders.


      salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
      Max. 50,39 $ / h

    • Spiritual Care Provider

      Spiritual Care Provider

      Taking care of the soul. Spiritual care providers offer patients, their family and loved ones spiritual and religious guidance and support.


      salaire Min. 26,22 $ / h
      Max. 43,49 $ / h