Métiers et professions en santé et services sociaux

Special Education Instructor

Special Education Instructor


salaire Min. 24,78 $ / h
Max. 35,67 $ / h

Description and Responsibilities

Special education instructors work with people experiencing adjustment difficulties, such as those with a physical or mental disability, delinquents and drug addicts, in order to enable their social integration and facilitate their rehabilitation. Among other tasks, special education instructors must observe their patients’ attitude and behaviour, assess their needs, develop an intervention plan that encourages their adaptation, organize individual or group activities and conduct periodic follow-up evaluations.

Special education instructors strive to create a climate of trust that enable them to help people in difficulty and facilitate their social integration.

Education and Training Requirements

Techniques d’éducation spécialisée Ce lien ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre. training program in French is offered in most regions of Québec. Special Care Counselling Ce lien ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre. training program in English is offered in some regions.

Required Interests, Skills and Personality Type

  • Must be a good communicator and listener
  • Must be able to adapt to all environments and clienteles
  • Must be imaginative and creative
  • Must be responsible and organized
  • Must have excellent initiative and be able to work autonomously
  • Must know how to observe and analyze situations and people
  • Must love contact with the public

Personality Type (RIASEC)

  • S - Prefers to be in contact with people and to help them
  • A - Prefers completing creative tasks
  • I - Prefers studying, understanding and solving problems

Work Environment

Special education instructors mainly work in:

Useful Links