Métiers et professions en santé et services sociaux

Information Technology (IT) Analyst

Information Technology (IT) Analyst


salaire Min. 27,46 $ / h
Max. 50,39 $ / h

Description and Responsibilities

IT analysts coordinate, manage and supervise analysis, implementation, evolution and operational support of projects. These projects encompass complex, multisite IT systems and impact several sectors of an organization.

IT analysts are experts in their area of specialization and coordinate the work of a team of analysts and computer technicians in order to achieve mandates.

Source: Comité patronal de négociation du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux  (in French only)

Education and Training Requirements

IT analysts must hold a bachelor's degree in computer science as well as a specialization certification issued by a legally recognized information technology authority. You can obtain a bachelor's degree in computer science at the following universities:

Required Interests, Skills and Personality Type

  • Must be a good communicator and listener
  • Must be able to set priorities and responsibilities
  • Must enjoy working in a team with colleagues and other professionals
  • Must have ability to synthesize information
  • Must have excellent initiative and be able to work autonomously
  • Must know how to observe and analyze situations
  • Must love contact with the public

Personality Type (RIASEC)

  • I - Prefers studying, understanding and solving problems
  • R - Prefers practical work and handling tools
  • C - Prefers to work in a methodical and structured way, according to established standards

Work Environment

IT analysts mainly work in healthcare facilities, university hospital centres and academic institutions (in French only).

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