Métiers et professions en santé et services sociaux

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant


salaire Min. 21,89 $ / h
Max. 23,35 $ / h

Description and Responsibilities

Dental assistants support dentists or other dental specialists. They’re in charge of preparing for procedures, greeting and setting up patients as well as providing the dentist with instruments and products required throughout the procedure. Dental assistants help with various tasks during treatment, take dental impressions, make certain casts and send them to laboratories. They’re responsible for the sterilization and sharpening of instruments as well as the maintenance of accessories and devices.

Source: Comité patronal de négociation du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux  (in French only)

Education and Training Requirements

Dental assistants must hold a professional dental hygiene certificate Ce lien ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre.. Training programs are offered in several regions in Québec.

Required Interests, Skills and Personality Type

  • Must be a good communicator and listener
  • Must be responsible and organized
  • Must be thorough and detail-oriented
  • Must enjoy physical work and handling (medical) instruments
  • Must enjoy working in a team with colleagues and other professionals
  • Must know how to observe and analyze situations

Personality Type (RIASEC)

  • S - Prefers to be in contact with people and to help them
  • A - Prefers completing creative tasks
  • I - Prefers studying, understanding and solving problems

Work Environment

Dental assistants mainly work in healthcare facilities, university hospital centres and academic institutions. (in French only)

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