Métiers et professions en santé et services sociaux

Security Officer

Security Officer


salaire Min. 22,36 $ / h
Max. 25,00 $ / h

Description and Responsibilities

Security officers work in a rehabilitation setting for young people with adjustment problems, patrolling the facilities and providing support, supervision, accompaniment and leadership to referred youth. They welcome young people and care for them in times of crisis, or when special help is needed. Security officers may be asked to support other staff by ensuring a presence. They may intervene physically and conduct searches when circumstances require. Security officers document observations through meaningful reporting to further youth rehabilitation.  

Source: Comité patronal de négociation du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux  (in French only)

Education and Training Requirements

You must have completed 4 years of high school in order to be a security officer.

Required Interests, Skills and Personality Type

  • Must be a good communicator and listener
  • Must enjoy working in a team with colleagues and other professionals
  • Must have a keen sense of observation
  • Must have excellent initiative and be able to work autonomously
  • Must love contact with the public
  • Must manage stress well

Personality Type (RIASEC)

  • E - Prefers supervising, making decisions and managing, influencing and persuading others
  • R - Prefers practical work and handling tools
  • S - Prefers to be in contact with people and to help them

Work Environment

Security officers work with CISSS and CIUSSS offering protection and rehabilitation services for youths in trouble of adaptation and their families (in French only).